What is Mesothelioma? Identify This Lung Cancer

Cancer has become one of the diseases in the world lately. Increase in the number of people suffering from cancer, a lot of people also want to know the different types of cancer that can endanger your health, one of which is mesothelioma.
doktersehat of the lesion and the lung, pleural effusion

Mesothelioma is a cancer of the lung is quite rare, but the most dangerous and deadly that normally occurs in the membrane that surrounds the lungs, called the pleura. The main cause of cancer cells that attack the lungs, called mesothelium is exposure to asbestos dust.

Asbestos may be in the form of plank ceiling, minerals, fiber and a wide range of processed products of asbestos can produce dust inhaled along with air. This usually occurs in industrial, construction, carpentry and building materials stores. When asbestos fibers and dust inhaled into the lungs, then the powder will stop in the lungs.

If the inhalation of asbestos dust, the dust will meet and settle in the lungs. This is the cause of cancer and the risk increases if they are smokers or have a family history of cancer.
What is Mesothelioma

Cancer is particularly deadly because that the average time of survival for patients with mesothelioma or malignant mesothelioma cancer ranges from 4 to 18 months, and 10 percent of patients live at least five years after diagnosis.

The clinical symptoms occur in mesothelioma are:

nonpleuritic wall Dyspnea and chest pain is the most common symptom occurs in malignant mesothelioma, (60-90% of the patients experienced symptoms of chest pain or shortness of breath).

In patients with malignant mesothelioma, pleural effusion physical findings are usually known for percussion and auscultation.

In rare cases, malignant mesothelioma is manifested as Horner Syndrome, spinal cord compression, brachial plexopathy, or syndrome of vena cava superior. Death is usually caused by an infection or respiratory failure of the development of mesothelioma.

The main areas that often occurs in the pleura (87%), peritoneum (5.1%), and the pericardium (0.4%).

So if you are one who worked in the industry of asbestos, or having direct contact with asbestos quite frequently, so it is good to test yourself before you attack mesothelioma Yes.

Asbestos Exposure and Mesothelioma Cancer

Asbestos Exposure and Mesothelioma Cancer

Exposure to asbestos particles is one of the main causes of mesothelioma cancer. Also known as asbestos cancer. As a naturally occurring mineral with many useful commercial benefits. Asbestos is found in plumbing, insulation, building materials and many other products.

Through the use of commercial-free from this material, most people in the United States and other industrialized countries have been or will be exposed easily airborne particle pollution in their work or in their home environment. This exposure can create significant health hazard.Commercial applicationsMore than 700,000 schools and buildings in the United States today contain asbestos insulation as reported by the US Environmental Protection Agency. Exposure to asbestos does not stop there, but asbestos is often found in shipbuilding, manufacturing facilities, railway facilities and construction sites.Blue-collar workers (workers) are at highest risk for developing mesothelioma due to exposure on the job. They usually work at the aluminum plant, oil refineries, chemical plants, mines, factories, shipyards, construction sites and railway tracks.Employees in closed rooms with air masks facilities are still very vulnerable to exposure. Risk jobs most affected are miners, factory workers, railroad workers, shipbuilding and construction workers - especially those who install equipment containing asbestos insulation. Sometimes the worker's family members also receive residual exposure to asbestos dust and fibers brought home on workers' clothes and also the risk of contracting mesothelioma.There are six types of asbestos: chrysotile, amosite, crocidolite, tremolite, anthophyllite and actinolite. Six types of minerals are divided into two classifications, namely serpentine and amphibole. Chrysotile is the only serpentine mineral classification. As known carcinogens are two classes of asbestos can cause mesothelioma.Chrysotile asbestos is the mineral most commonly used in the United States and is known for his curly fibers that can easily be woven into the fabric. Applications chrysotile including drywall compound, plaster, tile flooring vinyil, roofing materials, ceiling acoustical, fireproofing (flame retardant), putty materials, brake pads and shoes, stage curtains, comforters and cast coating teeth.Amosite and crocidolite asbestos minerals other is more commonly used, although their application is not as extensive as chrysotile. Products derived from minerals include asbestos insulation board, ceiling tiles and casings for water service.In the last ten years, the search asbestos has been found in the powder and the main ingredient of crayons.

Exposure and Health Risk

The widespread use of asbestos in various industries not only a risk of people working in the manufacture of asbestos-based products only. But those who might use raw materials of asbestos in everyday life they are also exposed to the carcinogen. Asbestos material attached to the clothes, hair, skin which then contaminate others and the environment.Although chrysotile is the most common form of asbestos used in the product and is a carcinogen. And it is known amosite and crocidolite asbestos are most harmful to health. All types of asbestos can last long to settle in a person's lungs for many years after exposure to asbestos, but the type of amosite and crocidolite are the most persistent particles in the lungs.Higher risk can occur in a worker in an environment associated with asbestos, nevertheless work with minimal exposure can also potentially undergo mesothelioma cancer or other diseases.Although exposure to asbestos may have peaked at the turn of the twentieth century until the 1970s, many people are still being subjected to asbestos particles. Still in debate that the latest mass exposure and tragic is the result of the 9/11 WTC attacks, in which tons of asbestos particles released into the air and endanger thousands of rescue workers and people living near Ground Zero. Many firefighters, police and rescue workers were diagnosed with asbestos cancer that is still battling cancer, continues today.Furthermore, many people continue to be exposed to asbestos in the homes of old buildings that handle the renovation themselves without knowing the potential health risks. Renovating buildings in this neighborhood can be spread asbestos into the air and inhaled into the body.Without knowledge of where asbestos may be present in the physical building of the house, then there is a greater risk for exposure to asbestos as a result of the dismantling of the renovation is done. Therefore, there must be a professional contractor personnel who checked thoroughly before physically building renovation project began. The execution of the destruction of the building should always be handled by professional contractors and recommended not to be done alone.One of the groups hardest hit from asbestos-related diseases are America's veterans. All branches of the US military use of tools, equipment and products with asbestos fibers. It unwittingly expose young men and women between the 1940s and 1970s. Most veterans are repeatedly exposed to asbestos then suffer from mesothelioma.For over a hundred years, almost every product that we hold may have been manufactured with asbestos components. Of goods household ornaments, products manufactured to protect firefighters, for dental products. Asbestos has been a silent killer in American industry.Some research points to get the fact that asbestos fibers have been inhaled more can cause physical irritation resulting in mesothelioma than cancer caused by a chemical reaction naturally. As a fiber that has been inhaled through the mouth and nose they are cleared from the body by way through the mucus in the nose, throat and airways when coughing or vomiting. Amphibole fibers (long and thin) can not be easily removed and therefore the carcinogenic substances left behind and embedded into the lining of the chest, lungs or stomach which causes scarring and inflammation that increases the risk of mesothelioma cancer. Symptoms of mesothelioma can be detected fastest ten years after exposure and can incubate for forty years

Asbestosis (scarring of the lungs) or mesothelioma lung cancer can also be caused by inhalation of asbestos fibers. Even people who were exposed to asbestos can be seven times greater risk of developing lung cancer than others. Workers who are in a high level of asbestos exposure more likely to die from cancer asbestosis, lung or mesothelioma than die from other diseases. It is also believed that inhaling and swallowing asbestos could contribute to the formation of mesothelioma in the abdomen called peritoneal mesothelioma. This disease has also been found in other organs such as the pancreas, larynx and colon. But fewer in number compared with the incidence of lung cancer.Chance of developing mesothelioma was comparable in direct proportion to the duration and amount of asbestos exposure experienced by a person. They were exposed to high levels of asbestos exposure at a young age for a long period of time have a greater risk than those diagnosed with mesothelioma were exposed to asbestos and the low level in the short term.Another important point is that the latency period of mesothelioma is very long. Often 2 to 40 after exposure to asbestos to be diagnosed with mesothelioma. Genetic factors may also play a role which explains why not everyone exposed to asbestos develop asbestos-related diseases.
Mayo Clinic. Mesothelioma: Risk Factors. Accessed on November 2, 2010.

National Cancer Institute. Asbestos Exposure and Cancer Risk. Accessed on November 2, 2010.

World Health Organization. Asbestos-related diseases. Accessed on November 2, 2010.

World Health Organization. Asbestos: elimination of asbestos-related diseases. July 2010.

Zeolites and Mesothelioma Cancer

Zeolites and Mesothelioma Cancer

Mesothelioma and asbestos exposure has long been linked hubungkankan. Since the early days of the Holy Roman Empire had noted that slaves who worked in asbestos mines have lung problems are severe and died at an early age. However, in recent decades it has become apparent that there are other potential causes for the development of a rare form of cancer.

Zeolites and Mesothelioma Cancer

A study conducted by McDonald and McDonald in 1980 showed that About a 25-33 percent of all cases of mesothelioma cancer does not have anything to do with exposure to asbestos. However, in research prefix found some other specific cause. One of them is the exposure of the zeolite.

What zeolites?

Known in scientific terms as alkali hydrated aluminum silicate. Zeolite is a mineral group that contains most of hydrated aluminum and silicon compounds. Their common names include clinoptilolite, erionite, Phillipsite, and Mordenite. They are found in volcanic rock and ash and is sometimes used as an additive in animal feed. Because of their porous structure, zeolites can be used as an absorbent (absorbent materials), textile printing materials, detergents, and as purifying water and air.Zeolites have also been used in several areas of health, among others as a supplement to a hangover and an adjuvant therapy for various cancers (FDA did not approve of this treatment). But there is still a lack of data supporting the efficacy of the effectiveness of zeolite and no conclusion as to whether zeolite secure. As a mineral that has a systemic effect on the body, zeolite also remains unclear to this day and requires further research.

Zeolite relationship with mesothelioma  

It has become clear, however, that zeolite dust exposure is associated with an increased risk of development of malignant mesothelioma (malignant mesothelioma). Simply to say zeolites are carcinogenic when inhaled. As a matter of International Agency for Research on Cancer placing the zeolite in the list of groups 1. Categorization inidiberikan carcinogens when there is sufficient evidence regarding carcinogenicity in humans causes mesothelioma.Erionite zeolite is a form of fiber that is clearly associated with mesothelioma epidemic in villages Anatolian Plateau in Turkey. In the village local volcanic tuff filled with zeolite toxic fibers. A report on the epidemic published in the 2006 edition of March 15 Journal of the National Cancer Institute.Doctors in Turkey initiated a study during the 23 years that followed 891 men and women living in three villages in different Turkish Cappadocia region. Villagers had been exposed to erionite. The third village used as a village controlled. During the study which started from 1979 to 2003 as many as 372 people have died. Of the deaths are known to many as 119 people stricken with mesothelioma cancer and died from the disease or complications of the disease. In the two villages where the population is exposed to the toxic mineral known deaths from pleural mesothelioma amounted to 44.5 percent. While in the third village just happened two deaths caused by mesothelioma, and even then it is known that the two of them when they are born not from the village controlled.Data analysts, including from Harvard professors, namely Philippe Grandjean, MD, Ph.D., determines the result of mesothelioma in the two events. The village is filled with erionite occurs 200-700 cases per 100,000 people annually. In the village there are only controlled 10 cases per 100,000 people. Therefore, the conclusion is that long-term exposure to erionite is responsible for a very high incidence of the cancer cases of asbestos in certain villages of Cappadocia in the Anatolian Plateau.After the study is completed, the authors suggest that local authorities were concentrating on ways to prevent exposure to the environment from harmful zeolite fibers in the hopes of lowering the risk population for developing the disease mesothelioma.The precipitate natural erionite have been found in several western US states, especially Arizona, Nevada, Utah, Oregon, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Montana. A report on ereonite / zeolite in the US (Rom, WN, KR Casey, WT Parry, CH Mjaatvedt and F. Moatamed. 1983. Health implications of natural fibrous zeolites for the Intermountain West. Environ Res 30 (1): 1- 8) noted that residents of the area known as the "Intermountain West" may be exposed to fibrous zeolite from wind gusts and therefore vulnerable to the development of mesothelioma. The state of North Dakota is currently conducting studies related to erionite exposure areas are known to have this vast mountain.Source:
Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center


Mesothelioma and Virus Simian 40 (SV40)

Mesothelioma and Virus Simian 40 (SV40) 

Malignant mesothelioma has been linked to asbestos exposure. The end of this century thousands of cases of the disease found in individuals who work regularly with toxic minerals in a variety of different jobs. But nevertheless report that was released about 30 years ago by McDonald and McDonald determined that about 25-33 percent of all cases of mesothelioma cancer diagnosis does not have a definite relationship with asbestos exposure. A person who has been diagnosed with mesothelioma cancer never any contact with asbestos or asbestos-containing material.

Virus Simian 40 (SV40)

For years researchers have found some other potential causes for the cause of the growth of mesothelioma. One of mesothelioma patients may be exposed to Simian Virus 40 (SV40).

what it SV40?

SV40 is a virus that was first discovered in 1960. The virus is found in the kidney cells of rhesus monkeys. It causes kidney disease and certain cancers in the monkey population. The virus also attacks the specific tumor suppressor gene and cell death.Simian Virus 40 to the attention of the American public when it is certain that the kidney cells of rhesus monkeys the same one used in the manufacture of polio vaccines are administered to humans. This vaccine has been used from 1958 until 1963 and was given to nearly 100 million Americans. There is a sizeable number of vaccines contaminated with Simian Virus 40 and given to humans during that time period. Although exact figures are not recorded how many doses of virus contamination is given, but an estimated 10 to 30 million doses.

SV40 and Mesothelioma

Since the discovery of Simian virus 40 in millions of doses of polio vaccine, researchers have been exploring the relationship between the virus and the development of cancer in humans. Several studies have found that SV40 is present in many people diagnosed with mesothelioma disease.

A study led by Dr. Michele Carbone mesothelioma is one of the leading specialists in the US, established that more than half (about 54%) of all cases of malignant mesothelioma cancer have been infected with SV40 (Carbone, M. "Simian virus 40 and human tumors: It is time to study mechanisms. "). But they did not find the SV40 contamination in other types of lung cancer. This reinforces the finding that there is a link between SV40 and asbestos cancer, but there is no full proof that only the SV40 might be causing mesothelioma. The doctor gave the hypothesis that exposure to asbestos or immunosuppression may also be involved in this case.

A similar study conducted in 2008 at the Cancer Research Center of Hawaii and the Department of Pathology, University of Hawaii, concluded that about 60 percent of intracardiac injected hamsters with Simian Virus 40 died from mesothelioma. However a significant role SV40 against malignant mesothelioma in humans remains debatable (Rivera et al, "The Relationship between Simian Virus 40 and Mesothelioma"). Conclusion brevity authors report: "There is sufficient evidence on the relationship between simian virus 40 alone or jointly asbestos as a trigger for malignant mesothelioma. However, it is still not enough to speculate about the contribution of simian virus 40 with the overall incidence of pleural mesothelioma (mesothelioma cavity chest)."

Additional study noted that the combination of the presence of SV40 and asbestos exposure occur very frequently in improving development opportunities mesothelioma. In a 2005 report by a number of doctors and scientists Italy (Cristaudo et al, "SV40 enhances the Risk of Malignant Mesothelioma Among People Exposed to Asbestos: A Molecular Epidemiologic Case-Control Study"), the authors hypothesize that the SV40 contributes to cancer development only as an additional factor and not a direct cause.

More importantly, the study determined that "the detection of SV40 between groups of individuals exposed to asbestos could represent a useful marker for identifying those at high risk for MM (Malignant Mesothelioma - malignant mesothelioma). Subgroup of high-risk individuals can be monitored for early detection and the possibility of curative surgical excision ".

Some doctors are constantly looking for better ways to diagnose mesothelioma at an earlier stage, karenan identify high-risk individuals such as this equates to save many lives.





Smoking and Mesothelioma

Smoking and Mesothelioma

It has long been known that smoking is harmful to one's health. Smoking causes a sharp increase in cases of mesothelioma lung cancer in smokers. But smokers who had been exposed to asbestos carries higher risk of developing the disease even more serious is that malignant mesothelioma cancer that affects the lining of the lungs (pleural mesothelioma), heart (pericardial mesothelioma), or abdomen (peritoneal mesothelioma) and difficult to treat.
Smoking and Mesothelioma

Exposure to asbestos has been identified as the main cause of mesothelioma cancer. This disease occurs when a person inhales asbestos fibers are sharp and then lodged in the lungs. Smoking, according to the Centers for Disease Control can weaken the lungs and decrease the body's ability to eliminate asbestos fibers. Furthermore, cigarette smoke irritates the airways and causes them to produce more mucus which in turn block the airways in removing the fiber.According to various studies that have been done throughout the last two decades, while this smoke alone did not cause mesothelioma. Smokers who are exposed to asbestos at risk about 50 to 84 times more likely to develop lung cancer asbestos. And experts agree the opinion that smokers are at least twice as likely to develop mesothelioma in the body.Mesothelioma risk factor is higher for those who had suffered from a severe disease who have not Asbestosis is a disease associated with asbestos, but still manageable. With smoking one pack a day for patients with asbestosis, the higher the chance of developing aggressive cancer. Therefore, those who have suffered from asbestosis must quit smoking. According to studies conducted by the National Cancer Institute states that stopping smoking can reduce by 50 percent the risk of mesothelioma diagnosed in about five years since quitting smoking. Figures are encouraging for smokers with asbestos disease early.Smokers who have been exposed to asbestos and have not quit smoking, it must be willing to perform a routine medical examination to determine the health of their lungs. Tests to monitor the formation of asbestos cancer mesothelioma, for example such as chest x-ray or pulmonary function test. Moreover, it may also be required simple blood test known as a test �Mesomark the smokers who suffered exposure to asbestos to detect the presence of mesothelioma.
Source:Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The health consequences of smoking: a report of the Surgeon General. Atlanta: US Department of Health and Human Services, 2004.

Radiation and Cancer Mesothelioma

Radiation and Cancer Mesothelioma

Within a few decades it is assumed that the only cause of mesothelioma is exposure to asbestos. While this asbestos is responsible for most cases of mesothelioma cancer. But gradually the more chances there are several other risk factors for this disease.
Atomic Radiation and Mesothelioma

Atomic Radiation and Mesothelioma

Across the world, a number of cases of mesothelioma with no causal connection has been diagnosed with asbestos. As a fact, a study of 1980 patients (McDonald and McDonald) in the US and Canada established that the number between 25 percent to 33 percent of all cases are not related to asbestos exposure. The doctor who discovered initially at a loss to explain. However, with some in-depth research and studies, some scientists and medical professionals can determine that some patients with pleural mesothelioma have other similar factors that exposure radias.

Radiation treatment, X-ray, and Mesothelioma 

Several dozen cases of mesothelioma with radiation therapy for Hodgkin's disease has been found. A 2005 study entitled "Clinical Course of Thoracic Cancers in Hodgkin's Disease Survivors" (P. Das, AK Ng, MA Stevenson, and PM Mauch) exactly establish that patients with Hodgkin's disease who were treated with radiation therapy have a higher risk of disease mesothelioma.Specifically, this study followed 33 patients with Hodgkin hospitalized Harvard and has grown mesothelioma lung cancer small cell. Of the participating patients, 88 percent had a history of radiotherapy to the thorax as a treatment for their disease. Some patients have suffered from breast cancer in just over a year after being treated for Hodgkin's disease. Whereas other patients contracted Hodgkin mesotheliokma after more than two decades later. Like most patients with mesothelioma, most patients diagnosed with mesothelioma when it reached stage III or IV and the prognosis is very difficult. The survival rate average is only 9 months.In some cases, peritoneal mesothelioma has also been associated with radiation therapy for breast cancer or other cancers that do to the chest areaOther studies have found a relationship between mesothelioma and thorium dioxide, which is a radioactive substance that is used in conjunction with conventional x-ray to diagnose certain conditions. Thorium dioxide is widely used from the 1920s until the 1950s

Atomic Radiation and Mesothelioma  

In 1995, the first case has been diagnosed with mesothelioma and believed to be associated with the incidence of the atomic bomb on Nagasaki. A report in this case, written by Masami Mizuki, Keiko Yukishige, Yasuharu Abe, and Tomiyasu Tsuda published in the journal Respirology in September 1997. They argue that the combination of exposure to atomic radiation and asbestos (patient worked for 2 years as a shipbuilder in a ammunition factory) was associated with an increased incidence of mesothelioma.The doctors who wrote the study found, "If the pleural thickening or pleural effusion was found in the atomic bomb survivors, malignant mesothelioma should be considered as an option in the differential diagnosis, even though the atomic bomb attacks several decades ago."Atomic Energy workers and MesotheliomaIt seems that there is a potential connection to the occurrence of mesothelioma in place with radiation exposure. Over the past few decades, few people currently or previously worked on atomic energy plant have been diagnosed with a rare cancer. In this case thought to be caused by constant exposure to radiation in low levels. (Ionizing radiation: A risk factor for cancer; JE Goodman et al, 2009) It is important to note is the authors concluded that given the low rate of mesothelioma in the general population as well as an increased risk of disease on individuals exposed to radiation, including those working in atomic power plants.

Relationship Between Radiation and Mesothelioma

Knowing about the relationship between radiation and mesothelioma is one of the measures for speeding up diagnosis and saved many people who have been identified as potential victims of mesothelioma. Anyone who has been exposed to radiation in any form, either regularly in the workplace or through x-ray or through therapy for other cancers chest, should always tell their doctor about medical history and history of work despite the radiation exposure occurred a few years earlier. Therefore, if the symptoms include chest pain, shortness of breath, and coughing can be determined relationship with a medical history and a history of the patient work can then be made the correct diagnosis and treatment of mesothelioma begin as soon as possible.

