Showing posts with label Zeolites. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Zeolites. Show all posts

Zeolites and Mesothelioma Cancer

Zeolites and Mesothelioma Cancer

Mesothelioma and asbestos exposure has long been linked hubungkankan. Since the early days of the Holy Roman Empire had noted that slaves who worked in asbestos mines have lung problems are severe and died at an early age. However, in recent decades it has become apparent that there are other potential causes for the development of a rare form of cancer.

Zeolites and Mesothelioma Cancer

A study conducted by McDonald and McDonald in 1980 showed that About a 25-33 percent of all cases of mesothelioma cancer does not have anything to do with exposure to asbestos. However, in research prefix found some other specific cause. One of them is the exposure of the zeolite.

What zeolites?

Known in scientific terms as alkali hydrated aluminum silicate. Zeolite is a mineral group that contains most of hydrated aluminum and silicon compounds. Their common names include clinoptilolite, erionite, Phillipsite, and Mordenite. They are found in volcanic rock and ash and is sometimes used as an additive in animal feed. Because of their porous structure, zeolites can be used as an absorbent (absorbent materials), textile printing materials, detergents, and as purifying water and air.Zeolites have also been used in several areas of health, among others as a supplement to a hangover and an adjuvant therapy for various cancers (FDA did not approve of this treatment). But there is still a lack of data supporting the efficacy of the effectiveness of zeolite and no conclusion as to whether zeolite secure. As a mineral that has a systemic effect on the body, zeolite also remains unclear to this day and requires further research.

Zeolite relationship with mesothelioma  

It has become clear, however, that zeolite dust exposure is associated with an increased risk of development of malignant mesothelioma (malignant mesothelioma). Simply to say zeolites are carcinogenic when inhaled. As a matter of International Agency for Research on Cancer placing the zeolite in the list of groups 1. Categorization inidiberikan carcinogens when there is sufficient evidence regarding carcinogenicity in humans causes mesothelioma.Erionite zeolite is a form of fiber that is clearly associated with mesothelioma epidemic in villages Anatolian Plateau in Turkey. In the village local volcanic tuff filled with zeolite toxic fibers. A report on the epidemic published in the 2006 edition of March 15 Journal of the National Cancer Institute.Doctors in Turkey initiated a study during the 23 years that followed 891 men and women living in three villages in different Turkish Cappadocia region. Villagers had been exposed to erionite. The third village used as a village controlled. During the study which started from 1979 to 2003 as many as 372 people have died. Of the deaths are known to many as 119 people stricken with mesothelioma cancer and died from the disease or complications of the disease. In the two villages where the population is exposed to the toxic mineral known deaths from pleural mesothelioma amounted to 44.5 percent. While in the third village just happened two deaths caused by mesothelioma, and even then it is known that the two of them when they are born not from the village controlled.Data analysts, including from Harvard professors, namely Philippe Grandjean, MD, Ph.D., determines the result of mesothelioma in the two events. The village is filled with erionite occurs 200-700 cases per 100,000 people annually. In the village there are only controlled 10 cases per 100,000 people. Therefore, the conclusion is that long-term exposure to erionite is responsible for a very high incidence of the cancer cases of asbestos in certain villages of Cappadocia in the Anatolian Plateau.After the study is completed, the authors suggest that local authorities were concentrating on ways to prevent exposure to the environment from harmful zeolite fibers in the hopes of lowering the risk population for developing the disease mesothelioma.The precipitate natural erionite have been found in several western US states, especially Arizona, Nevada, Utah, Oregon, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Montana. A report on ereonite / zeolite in the US (Rom, WN, KR Casey, WT Parry, CH Mjaatvedt and F. Moatamed. 1983. Health implications of natural fibrous zeolites for the Intermountain West. Environ Res 30 (1): 1- 8) noted that residents of the area known as the "Intermountain West" may be exposed to fibrous zeolite from wind gusts and therefore vulnerable to the development of mesothelioma. The state of North Dakota is currently conducting studies related to erionite exposure areas are known to have this vast mountain.Source:
Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center; 

What are the risk factors of mesothelioma cancer?

 What are the risk factors of mesothelioma cancer?

There are several risk factors that increase the likelihood that a person's body will develop mesothelioma. The main risk factor is exposure to asbestos. Exposure to highly hazardous substances can significantly increase the chances of contracting the disease. Smoking has no direct causal connection with mesothelioma, but can significantly increase the risk and exacerbate the chances of developing the disease. Other causes of secondary factors include exposure to radiation, zeolite, simian virus 40 (SV40) and erionite. Will be discussed each of the risk factors detailed in the information link below.
factors of mesothelioma cancer
Asbestos Exposure >>
Exposure to asbestos is the main risk factors for mesothelioma. Asbestos is an insulating material consisting of a magnesium-silicate mineral fibers. Asbestos is favored by builders and contractors for many years for the low thermal conductivity and melt-resistant and resistant to burn. Because researchers have identified a further relationship between mesothelioma and asbestos exposure, asbestos material began rarely used. Prior to this study revealed, millions of Americans have suffered a serious exposure to this harmful substance asbestos.

Smoking and Mesothelioma >>

Smoking alone is not associated with mesothelioma, but smokers who are exposed to asbestos have a much higher chance of developing asbestos lung cancer (as much as 50-90 percent higher) and as much as double the risk of developing 

Secondary Risk Factors Mesothelioma

radiation >> 
Thorium dioxide (Thorotrast), a substance used in x-ray tests in the past has been reported to have relationships that cause pleural mesothelioma and peritoneal mesothelioma. Thorotrast the use has been discontinued for many years because of this discovery.

zeolite >> 

Some cases of mesothelioma in the region Anatoli in Turkey has been associated with zeolite. Silica-based minerals that are chemically similar to asbestos found in the ground there.

Simian virus 40 (SV40) >>

Some scientists have discovered simian virus 40 (SV30) in mesothelioma cells of humans and have been able to create mesothelioma in animals with virusni. The relationship between this virus and mesothelioma is still unclear. However further research is being conducted to gain clarity about the potential causes of this relationship.

Exposure to erionite >>

Erionite is a naturally occurring mineral that has properties very similar to asbestos. There are several documented cases of mesothelioma in people living near the disposal erionite.

Carbon nanotubes >>

Researchers continue to evaluate the exposure of nanotubes as a possible risk factor for mesothelioma penyabab although scientists do not yet expressed his concern in this regard.Source:
National Cancer Institute - Fact Sheets: Risk Factors and Possible Causes